May 11, 2023 | Blog, Meridian 75 Logistics Center, News, News and Press
Monroe County’s Five Below warehouse will soon undergo a $21 million expansion just four years after it opened. Monroe County has issued a building permit to ARCO Design of Atlanta to construct a $21 million addition to the Five Below warehouse at 270 Logistics Center...
Jan 25, 2023 | Blog, Indian Springs Business Park, News, News and Press
City agrees to help if Fortune 500 firm goes to Indian Springs park Forsyth agreed to share the cost of relocating electricity (up to $30,000) with Monroe County Development Authority for a business if the business decides to locate in the Indian Springs business...Nov 15, 2018 | Blog, News, News and Press
The new Five Below distribution warehouse under construction in Smarr will pay about $8 million in county and school taxes over the next 21 years after tax breaks were approved on Tuesday. Read full article at the Monroe County Reporter: Tax breaks OK’d for...Aug 4, 2013 | Blog, Blogroll
Vestibulum pulvinar adipiscing turpis vitae ultrices. Suspendisse eu lectus dui, vitae lobortis lorem. Fusce gravida nibh et ante accusan molestie. Duis convallis semper felis. Curabitur fringilla placerat vestibulum. Aenean dignissim libero et quam tristique vel...Aug 3, 2013 | Blog, Video
Vestibulum pulvinar adipiscing turpis vitae ultrices. Suspendisse eu lectus dui, vitae lobortis lorem. Fusce gravida nibh et ante accusan molestie. Duis convallis semper felis. Curabitur fringilla placerat vestibulum. Aenean dignissim libero et quam tristique vel...Aug 3, 2013 | Blog, Gallery
Vestibulum pulvinar adipiscing turpis vitae ultrices. Suspendisse eu lectus dui, vitae lobortis lorem. Fusce gravida nibh et ante accusan molestie. Duis convallis semper felis. Curabitur fringilla placerat vestibulum. Aenean dignissim libero et quam tristique vel...